Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hey, How's it going? It's Sunday and tomorrow's Monday, which is the B'day of the Armed Forces, which also means that tomorrow's a holiday! So this is my chance to revise some books for the upcoming examination. Good luck.
Btw, I got sick, and so are my friends at school, hope it's not the H1N1, if so, then... damn. I got sick for like.. 3-4 days, I guess.. lol. That's all for now, I got to go eat breakfast. See Ya.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Question and Answers Segment

So here's another segment of Question, enjoy readin' them:
1. Who is your crush?
= Well... Oh Got to go breakfast, later!
2. Why do you like your crush?
= Shhhh!
3. Does your crush knows that you exist?
= Why not? She she's me all the time (not really all the time though...)
4. Does your crush knows that you like her?
= Not sure..
5. Does your crush likes you back?
= Still not sure...
6. What does your crush look like?
= She's beautiful, very adorable, nice smile... (sigh)
7. How long you like your crush?
= Can't tell
8. How do you feel when you see her?
= It's like.. Everything seemed so bright, and colourful.. (not joking)
9. If your crush talks to you, what would you do?
= Act natural
10. What is the thing you like about your crush?
= (sigh)... uh... pardon..?
11. How does your crush usually act like?
= she do really laugh quite a lot.. I like that
12. Do you plan to be together with her?
= ermm..
13. Do you think about her everyday?
= more than thinking, I even say it out loud to my friends!
14. What do you call your crush?
= I couldn't say anything, but I surely WILL say hi to her.
15. After answering all these questions. what is your point?
= I don't get your point...
Well that's all, ehe.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Questions and Answers

I'm back for more posts! And now's the time for the Questions And Answers Segment. So before asking me questions that I really hated for a long time, READ THIS DAMN POST!!! (sorry for being too rude :D)
How did you come up with the name McVinnie?
Oh, nothing, It just got into my mind (get it?)
Why do you choose McVinnie?
It's a cool name, that's all (pff...)
Who do you like?
Since when?
Sigh....... Stop it
I don't remember much of the other. Sorry. But haven't I posted this few months ago?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Oh Yeah, I forgot to tell you guys something...

I just finished reading someone else's blog, actually my friend's blog. Here it goes:
We were having the Library period, and Mr.Ramesh was unavailable, so our Science teacher took his place, and had her eyes on us.
It was the boy's turn to fetch some library books, the girls got stay backed, waiting for their turn to exchange their books. Shortly after that, the boys got back into the class, just before I entered the class, I heard the girls shouted for Bazli, so I got curious. What I found out was that, while the boys were out of the class, the girls actually planned to pick someone who came no. 7 to be in the class, and so I figured out the reason they called out for him. Guess what, he was picked to sing in front of the whole class. But I don't remember much of the rest. That's all for now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A message to Qilah

Sorry, but she just knew about my secret. Qilah, I just wanna say sorry too.. Hitting your head or something like that just made me more to be into you, the reasons that I liked you were just because of your giggle, your smile, and the way that you talk. I apologize if I made you angry while reading this. I'm neither mad nor sad right now, please forgive me. If you meet me at school, please don't be turning your head somewhere else, that'll make me hate myself, and it's up to you whether you wanna have a talk with me or just don't, so please forgive me, and I'm sorry.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Story of How I fell In Love...

Nadya has been my crush for like a year. If you wanna know more about how the whole thing goes, be my guest... :
Our class were having the CCA period, since the teacher was unavailable, obviously we got nothing to do. So we got ourselves walking around the class.
I thought I heard one of the girls mentioned my name, so I looked at them. Nadya was one of them, she looked at me, and guess what? She winked at me! I can't describe how I felt. And so, I fell in love with her. Unfortunately... my friend, Abby, told me that Nadya has already liked someone else... If so, then I will try to win her heart before someone else does.
Thx for reading. Wish me luck! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Very Sorry...

I apologize for not updating my blog, very sorry. Let's not say that I'm busy in all these days. I'm... lazy.
LOLs, anyways, in case you don't know, my crush: Nadya (ehemm ehemm), I 'missed' her whenever I'm home (hehe). But let's not tlk about this, if interested, send me an E-mail, ask as many questions as you can (but not including my personal matters, kill you if you do... JK). I'm not sure whether I will be updating this blog by tomorrow, but I'll just say Insya-Allah...

Monday, April 6, 2009

After A While

Sorry guys, after quite a long time, now I'm back! I was just too busy to post posts, yea, you guys probably think that I'm joking, I know, people would say that as an excuse, this is for real. I guess this is it?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour Time

Hey Hey Hey, it's Earth Hour! There's 1 hr and 23 Mins left to turn the light off, cool. One of my friends told me that it's not really savin' the World, it's just adding some more days to Earth, preventing Earth ends too early. I agree 50-50. So get ready!

Monday, March 23, 2009

What A Weird Dream

Seriously, I just had the weirdest dream (while asleep), a worm attacking everybody around me? Can you Imagine how weird that could be. I just woke up from bed, and I feel very energetic, except all this coughing and light-headed feeling thing made me feel a little weak, damn... I guess I don't have anymore to say, it's holiday, who cares?

What's up?

Hey, how's it goin'? Feeling bored? So do I. Btw, I just saw a Hummingbird this afternoon, kinda cute. Sadly I was in my mom's car, so I couldn't hear it 'humming'. Amazing I was unable to see it's wings flapping, well I could, but not very clear, most facts say that Hummingbirda flap their wings about 100 times per second, some say 90, or whatever. I'm just bored, that's it!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Doa Selamat - Father's going to Australia!!

We were having a doa selamat, my father's going to Australia and sure going to miss him, for 7 days, it's a transit to Adelaide, hope he'll bring some souvenirs!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blah Blah

Before any of you ask me some questions about McVinnie that I hate to hear, read this, you probably won't bother to ask me questions anymore:
Why do you call yourself as McVinnie?
Just for fun dammit, FOR FUN, besides, it sounds cool.
(When in an unknown conversation on MSN Messenger)
Anonymus: Who's McVinnie?
Friend of mine: He's my friend at school.
Where did you get the name McVinnie?
Took it from a game character, won't tell you though.
What game?
Oh man, I shouldn't have told you that I got it from a game... Won't tell you.
Thus the recent questions asked, don't even bother to ask more.

Freedom At Last

Yes, I'm free and so do others, cause it's a school holiday. But what I don't really like about school holidays; you don't have anything to do, my brain will start to dry up!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Sketches

Here I'm going to show you some of my sketches, most are quite nice, if you wonder why I love Abstracts so much, it expresses the thoughts of a person according to his or her mood while making it, inspires me at almost everytime, thus my interest to Abstracts.

A Car, whaddya think?

This one's eye-popping!


One of my favorite, yeh.

So you can see how much I love to sketch, Art is my life.

Hello guys, how's it going? Sorry for not updating my blog for quite some time (or days). I'm kinda busy nowadays, didn't see that coming, hahah. BTW, saw the match yesterday? AARGH! Manchester United made a goal... by penalty. Annoying much, wasn't it? No use of cheering them up... Liverpool's 4, damn. That's all for now, if you're expecting for more posts, this is just not the time.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No Experience for today...

How could I not see anything today?! Yes, another day of not experiencing anything, anyway, it's been quite a long time I haven't updated my blog, so by the time you see this, I obviously have updated my blog.
Oh yea, it was Chris's, Mizan's and our Prophet Muhammad's Birthday 2 days ago, wow...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Project Submitted

Yay, I submitted my commerce project, so do others. Mine looked nice, and so do others, I admired mine and others, and so do others!! OK, enough of that. Another day, and less experienced, damn.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Time has come!

Yeah, tomorrow's the due day to submit my Commerce project, can't wait to see others' works. I hope I'm not the only one who brings the project, of course not, Hafiz was told to modify his, and I was told to modify to get higher marks, boy, am I glad to hear that. Higher marks? Phew..
I made a restaurant and JD's doing... a restaurant. Who'll get the highest marks? That's what I'm gonna find out. Good luck for the classmates doing the project!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Poem

When people you don't know get hurt or sick, most will never care;
When a person who the most you loved died, doing bad things you wouldn't dare.
A boy or girl you love to hate will always be nice to you;
he or she could change your life, and you'll be good as new.
Topic: Change Yourself
Aqilah dared me to sit like a girl,
and to be fair, I told HER to sit like a boy. The rules; each must sit in a fixed position for as long as you can, who wins, will be given a dollar, she joked? I don't know.
After for quite a while, and her legs started to numb, and I was only 'chill-ing' while revising books. I am obviously a boy, and she is a girl, and boys do have 'eggs', while girls don't, whenever boys sit like girls, they should have already hurt their 'eggs', but I'm not one of them, and I was siting there comfortably with my thighs crushing the 'eggs' and I don't feel anything at all. Sorry, too much 'yellow' statements. Anyway, Qilah was sitting like a boy, and she was hurt, hahah, there you go, who's laughing now? JK... Guess what, she loses, and I win...?
Nothing much happened today, only that some brought their History Projects, and mine was the simplest of them all, I guess. Most did Rubber trees, and others were on coal and cutch, damn... I didn't explain anything to Mr. Suresh, and only said "I was in a hurry last night, so I don't have any explanation for the project". And he gave me choices, whether to just get the marks for the work or he will come back later to check once more, so I decided for a while and chose to just get the marks, and it's worth getting 5 marks out of ten. Aaah!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Shhh... Angin...," Hamizan said full of suspense, what a great joke, and guess what was Qilah's reaction, of course, she grossed out, in fact, Hamizan didn't really fart! Hahahah! But Qilah was stil aware of that. That's what happened this mornin'.
Oh yeah! Before I forget, I was about to enter my class, everyone were outside, they were having a cleaning period, and I was holding out my commerce work, and suddenly everyone noticed my work, and amazed, heheh... That's al for today, I guess.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Teacher's Back

OK, teacher's back, but guess who went to bandar this morning... Mrs. Riji! Because of her absence, we spent our free time of 2 periods, alright! I don't experience much today, so I guess this is enough! Post more sooner or later.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Model done!

This model sure looks creepy, but it's actually my finished hand-made building model for the Commerce project, it's a Sole proprietorship business, a business run by one person. This restaurant is called 'SSS', you can call it 'Tripple S'. I bet yours is not like mine, hahaha...
Anyway, looks nice isn't it? Compared to all fast food restaurants, this one's better! JK...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Process - Commerce Project

Doing projects are hard work! So do this one, the picture below shows my process on making a model of a restaurant, the best part is when all the necessary components come together and forms a precious hand-made building model. Problems occured during the process, so I have to be much careful, plans are here and there, I'm posting this while doing it, now I have to make the cute tiny tables and chairs, kitchen wares, and stuff. Good luck to you all making the projects!
Notice the rough plans and the unfinished model,
what do you think?

Introducing Home Sweet Home

Before I forget, I would like to introduce my Home Sweet Home to all of yuh, I'm just bored, so I decided to show you all... my home!
Whaddya think?

I think 3 pics are enough... I'll post more later.

SPN 21 Brought Trouble

Why SPN 21?!! Why?! JK, I'm not frustrated, it's just that, tomorrow's the due date to submit our Commerce project, and I have just started doing it. How about you? Lucky I'm not the only one. I'm a bit busy to post more, but I think it's enough for now, update sooner or later.

Just A Post

Ehemm! Not sore throat, but I had a great time shouting out 'MERDEKA' with feelings and loudness (bad english, who cares, it's a blog). Sick of those 'cassettes' or whatever, cassettes are ancient, f*** cassettes, post me comments if you agree. Hahaha.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Here I Am

Uh, Yeah, another day of blogging. Still exploring Blogspot. Made a mistake just now, sama ada ku lupa password ku atau Blogspot lupakan aku (not getting used to english language, LOL).

Sorry for bad English, I guess I have to speak Arab. JK, why would I wanna speak Arabic? Anyway, there was an assembly this morning, and there were flags all the way. "What's with the flags?" I thought to myself. I was curious until I heard one of my friends said these things about National Day or something. That reminds me of yesterday's moment, I was chatting with Azib, and he reminded me to bring a flag for tommorow's assembly (which is today).

Mrs Ravi was about to hand out the test papers, but soon after she stepped in our classroom, she was in a rush and told us that she will be going to bandar after one period of teaching. Also, she warned us, if she receives any complaints about us being noisy... I forgot the ending, LOL.